Live a Different Journey with 1:1 Coaching

1:1 Coaching is more than just guidance. It’s a personalized path designed just for you—a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation."

Ready To Transform


Uncover Your Healing Power with 1:1 Detox Coaching

"The body is designed to heal itself—when you give it what it truly needs."Mitchell Villani, Personal Health & Transformation Coach


Are You Ready to Experience Radical Healing?

If you're here, you're probably searching for more than just a quick fix. You’re tired of feeling stuck—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Perhaps conventional medicine has left you feeling unheard or your faith in healing has started to fade. I’ve been there too.

But here’s what I’ve learned: Your body holds untapped healing potential, and together, we’ll awaken it.


Why My Approach is Different:

I’m Mitchell Villani, a holistic health and transformational coach, and my journey began with my own healing. After overcoming chronic nerve pain, drug addiction, and mental health struggles, I realized that true healing doesn’t come from one-size-fits-all solutions. It comes from looking deeper—into the root causes of dis-ease—and understanding that every part of you (mind, body, and spirit) plays a role in your well-being.

I’ve dedicated years to studying the human condition, not just in textbooks, but through lived experiences—my own, my family’s, and my clients’. Now, I’m here to guide you through your own radical self-healing journey.

4 Month



This Journey is Not for Everyone…

It’s for those who are truly ready to break free from the cycles of pain, burnout, and frustration. If you are ready to "Live Different", to explore how to activate your body’s hidden healing abilities, and to go beyond surface-level treatments, this program is for you.


This is a 4 Month LIVE DIFFERENT journey that includes a journey of cleansing and radical lifestyle changes to improve every aspect of their health and be better.

This option includes;

  • Full Iridology/Sclerology Session + Report to help create your 4 month healing program. 
  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and Heavy Metal Test
  • BONUS - Lifetime access to all my online programs (worth $5k) - Including my new DETOX ACADEMY. These teach you about healing lifestyles and greater depths of detoxing 
  • Weekly coaching sessions for the first 6 weeks and then fortnightly sessions  
  • Profound life-changing distinctions, practices and daily rituals to enhance healing.
  • Essential Detox Product Package 
  • Core Supplemental & Herbs included to support detox protocols.
  • Detox tool recommendations
  • Sclera and Blood Analysis reading after 4 months of healing is complete.
Apply Now



Stuart Moore

Mitch has bought an immense amount of wisdom, has kept me accountable, helped me gain
structure, new tools, new ideas, all the while sifting out the noise and the crap and consistently moving
me towards better health. Mitch has become a great mentor with very good principles and again, his ability to meet someone where there at and instantly get them on the road to getting better has been brilliant. Iv seen a lot of people but this man is definitely someone i want in my corner.

Fatima Hamit

Mitchell coached me through a 20/20 fast recently which has formed the foundation of my life. I went into the fast with one objective, to give myself the best possible chance of having my own children; however along with this came the emotional healing of other factors in my life which I had compressed for many years. Mitchell taught me how to break down the walls I put up from childhood. I now have a clear mind free from negative thoughts and feel physically and mentally stronger. Mitchell's passion for health, energetic vibe, along with his knowledge is phenomenal. I would highly recommend him as a coach as you feel supported through each day.

Cassandra Pavlidis

I have left working with Mitch feeling empowered about myself for the first time and I am no longer afraid to put myself first. We are quick to make meaningless purchases each day without a second thought but many of us hesitate to make the investment in our health, I would highly recommend Mitch and his coaching services to anyone looking to overhaul their lifestyle. If you are willing to put in the hard work and truly make every effort to make changes you will reap the benefits of his knowledge as I have!




Please note this is not 'light work'. Only apply if you are serious about dedicating your time, investment and energy into healing. There is a reason I only work with 8-10 1:1 clients per year, so if you know this is you, lets go!