The PIT, the PAIN, the TRAUMA. This is the real stuff. This is what I live for. To help people see that these situations are the platforms for our purpose in life. 

Hi! I’m Mitchell & this is my Hero’s Healing Journey…quick side note...if you are thinking about, or have already started taking health back into your own hands for the purpose of healing yourself, well congratulations! You’re a HERO! 

The path of healing yourself is no easy task & takes a lot of courage to go against the grain, but that’s what HERO's do. 

A hero rescues others and more importantly themselves. This is my story of how I cultivated enough courage to rescue myself from the deepest pit I’ve ever found myself in, the pit & trauma of chronic nerve pain, depression and suicidal inclinations, and now help others do the same. 

Below is a short video if you don't enjoy reading. 


The definition of a hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. 

I also believe a hero rescues others and more importantly themselves. This is my story of how I cultivated enough courage to rescue myself from the deepest pit I’ve ever found myself in, the pit & trauma of chronic nerve pain, depression and suicidal inclinations, and now help others do the same. 

If you were with me back in September 2013 you would have found a young elite athlete with a fractured rib, two dislocated shoulders and three protruding discs in his neck wrapped up in a hospital bed (see picture below). 

I managed to get myself in this mess due to stepping back onto the arena of competitive contact ice hockey. It had been 3 years since I competed and played.

In 2010 I retired from the love of this sport completely. Back then I was at my prime playing my 5th year in the AIHL league and representing Australia Mens team in Div 1 & II IIHF, but due to my sloppy joints I dislocated my shoulder for the last time and underwent my 3rd left reconstruction. This was a devastating blow to my ego and I went into a deep state of depression when I couldn't play the sport I carved my whole life around, but that's life right. No more playing around and time to grow up. 

So I completed my Double degree in Finance & International Business & pursued the professional environs. Between you and me I hated it. It bore the hell out of me and drained my soul doing the 9-5. Making money for others and helping them build their dreams whilst mine were crushed was not an ideal life I had planned. 

After 3 years of that junk my mates encouraged me to compete in the BROWNS 2013 National Open Men's tournament. “SCREW IT” I said. I was all in and had the time of my life. There is no rush like it. However, being the highest point scorer of the tournament and captaining my team to an undefeated grand final the opposing team decided to do their very best to hurt me and get me out of the game. Let’s just say they surpassed this goal. 

In the second period of the game a player hit me from behind launching me head first into the boards. This impact resulted in a cracked rib, two dislocated shoulders and 3x crushed discs in my that point I didn’t know that about my discs until 3 months later. In that moment my body did me a solid & shot me full of adrenaline. I didn't want to show the other team that I was hurt and I really wanted to lead my team to a victory, so I popped my shoulders back in, took a few deep breaths, suck the pain up and shook off any signs that I was badly injured. I played the rest of the game in extreme amounts of pain and was lucky enough to score the tying goal. We won in a shoot-out and it was the best, most rewarding victory of my life. 

However, that was also the last game of my life. Whilst celebrating with my teammates in the change room my body took a turn for the worst. I went into complete shock, uncontrollable shaking and a resting heart rate of almost 200. I was rushed to the hospital immediately and spent the night there. 

Little did I know that this one hit changed the whole course of my life. 

After months of painful confusion I was sent for an MRI & it confirmed C5, 6 & 7 protrusions in my neck. 

I went to my GP to seek advice for a healing solution. This guy had the nerve (excuse the pun) to put me on some of the craziest pain killers one could take. I was put on;

  • Endone for pain
  • Lyrica to calm my nerves 
  • Targin to knock me out because sleeping was to painful.

At the time I had no idea how bad these drugs were, and to be honest I didn’t care. When you are in the amount of pain I was in every second of every day you would take anything your Doctor recommended to you.

As you may know pharmaceutical drugs come with side effects. After being on these for 6 months, seeing no improvement with pain reducing and having to increase my dosage by quite a significant amount I started losing concentration (forgetting where I was and what I was doing), became severely depressed and continually fantasising about taking my own life because I couldn’t see any light to the situation. 

I was then prescribed with antidepressant drugs. My Doctor wanted to give me a drug to suppress the symptoms of the original drugs he gave me...Mmmmm because that makes sense. 

How is this true medicine?! That is pain management. There was no discussion on how he wanted me to try other alternatives and create a plan to get me off these drugs. Which at the time I was completely reliant on and addicted to.

In the Epidemics, Book I, of the Hippocratic school it says this;

"Practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help or do not harm the patient"

My doctor wasn’t doing any of these. Right then and there I realised drugs are never the answer. I sought out the best neurosurgeon in Australia and went from there.  

I remember that meeting so vividly. There I was hunched down in my chair with my neck to my chest, because that was the only position that helped relieve some of the pain. As I stared at the carpet and listened he said that I was the perfect client to have surgery. They wanted to fuse my discs. Now of course there is no guarantee that it would be successful and the surgery in itself is quite risky. I just remember a wave of fear rushing over my body when the surgeon was speaking. innately I knew there had to be a better way. The surgeon could see how affected I was by this and advised that I try all different alternative therapies. If I was still in pain after a year then we agreed to fuse my discs.

That year I found a great chiropractor and was seeing him 3-5x a week, osteopath & acupuncturist once a week, and on the odd occasion I was even seeing a massage therapist who would lay me on a bed of nails and poke all my pressure points with a volcanic rock..I was up for trying anything & everything, except surgery. 

I was going to church, going to healing conferences, meditating, praying...anything I could find hope in I was trying. I even started smoking organic weed to manage the pain. All this helped, but it didn’t solve it. I was still on my painkillers and had two cortisone injections, but the pain still kept knocking me down daily and at this point I had spent all my life savings. 

A year had passed, I was no longer working and moved back in with my folks. I spent most of my days laying down and feeling sorry for myself. Enough was enough. It was time to bite the bullet. I booked in for surgery & I was scared as hell. 


A week prior to my surgery my mum invited me to join her and listen to a health speaker who was touring Australia. This man believed that you can heal ANYTHING through the foods you eat. I rolled my eyes at mum and called BS, but I went to appease her. That was one of the best decisions my mum has ever made for me and I will always be grateful to her for that. 

That night changed the course of my life. The speaker I am referring to is Tyler Tolman. He shared his health wisdom for 3 hours and it felt like 10 minutes. I was so frustrated that no alternative doctor, surgeon or doctor shared this type of information with me. Topics such as fasting, detoxification and whole foods as medicine…


My Teacher, Mentor & Friend Tyler Tolman


After leaving Tyler’s event I cancelled my surgery and embarked on a 28 week journey following Tylers healing protocols. This was the most intense time of my life. As I applied all the healing principles that I now teach in my online programs, live events, workshops, group detox coaching & 1-on-1 coaching, I managed to HEAL MYSELF! I I lost 18kg, got off all my pain medication and was pain free for the first time in 2.5 years.  

I truly believe to this day, hands down, that if I had agreed to the surgery I would not be where I am today. 

Since then I have continued to apply these truths to my life and have made it a lifestyle. I regularly fast, detox and eat a whole food plant powered diet. 

Here is a yearly summary of what I have done;

  • 2015 - 3x colon cleanses, 2x 7 day juice fasts, 1x 14 day juice fast, 1x 7 day water fast. Regularly intermittent fasting. 
  • 2016 - 4x colon cleanses, 2x 7 day juice fasts, 1x 14 day juice fast, 1x 7 day water fast. Regularly intermittent fasting. Changed my career and became a Youth Worker 
  • 2017 - attended Tyler Tolmans Heal Thy Self Fast for a 7 day juice fast, regular short water fasts, 3x colon cleanses, Liver & Gallbladder flush, 1x Rebirth Breathwork
  • 2018 - attended Tyler Tolmans Academy course studying Iridology & Sclerology. Became Tyler’s first certified Heal Thy Self Coach. Started my Iridology & Health coaching business. Continued regular detoxing. 3x Rebirth Breathwork
  • 2019 - 1x 7 day juice cleanse - 3x colon cleanses, 20 day water fast, 20 day juice cleanse, Kidney flush & Liver & Gallbladder flush. 1x Rebirth Breathwork

Now, I would like to pass on this science, art and philosophy of self healing and personal power to YOU! You see given the right circumstance, lifestyle, mindset and nutrition – Your body has an innate capacity to heal and regulate itself. Understanding this in itself, is truly transformational!

Everything I share I have applied and still use myself. There is not a single bit of advice, theory or science on my site that I have not either completed and tested on myself, or recommended to my family and loved ones. Being in the worst pain I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, I learned the hard way, and I can assure you that the advice given, is based on experience, authenticity, as well as having been tried and tested with extraordinary results. But remember, obtaining peak levels of health and vitality takes effort, patience, understanding and persistence and it might not be right for everyone. What you do with your life and health, is up to you…


Through my hero’s healing journey, I found my true purpose in life: To teach the world what it truly takes to be WELL, Empowered and to live a Healthy and Abundant life, and not just Survive, but fully Thrive! I believe we are spirit expressed through human form, not the other way around. If this is true, then we all deserve to express our spirit in a vibrantly healthy body and peak potential human form! I believe life is too short to be tired and sick, don’t you?

Remember youā€™re the HERO of your own journey.Ā  If you are ready to take your health and life to the next level, if you are ready to find out what really works and what doesnā€™t work, then reach out to me and click below


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